Paul Hartal  Poetry and Painting


I cannot separate art from life. I see life as a precious gift which we may celebrate or debase by choice. We cannot succeed neither in art nor in life without love, courage, vision, knowledge, wisdom and faith. My work focuses on specific problems of the human condition, including identity and alienation, healing and medicine, ecology and space exploration, culture and survival. I believe that the happiness of the individual is bound up with the happiness of the community. The realization of this reflects on the meaning of art in its relationship to the hierarchical ladder of ethical norms. Yet, the meaning of life does not derive from a particular experience, or of moments of happiness, but from the joys and sorrows of being alive.

My art flows from the theory and practice of Lyrical Conceptualism, which I introduced in Montreal with a manifesto in 1975. This idea of art represents a unified field trend built on the synergic interaction of the different but complementary forces that participate in the creative process. Clifford Pickover, in Mazes for the Mind (New York: St. Martin's Press) quotes from my book The Brush and the Compass (University Press of America): "The present human condition calls for the rise of a new, inclusive form of culture in which art should play a most prominent role. We need the imagination, the intuition, the insight, the lateral reasoning faculty, as well as human values, that are excluded from the rigid methodology of science, but are intrinsic to art".