Paul Hartal  Poetry and Painting


Canadian painter, poet and author, Paul Hartal, was born in Szeged, Hungary (1936).
His extensive exhibition record includes shows at the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest (2007), Musee du Chateau Ramezay, Montreal (2005), the Lincoln Center, New York (2001), the University of Oregon (2000), Intercommunication Center, Tokyo (1996), Musee de la Poste, Paris (1993), Sion Museum, Switzerland (1990), Olympic Art Show, Seoul (1988), as well as many other venues. Hartal’s canvas, Flowers for Cézanne, displayed at the Musee du Luxembourg in the French capital in 1978, won the Prix de Paris. "As a noted space artist", in 1994 Spaceweek invited him to display his visionary paintings on the cosmos at the NASA Space Center in Houston. Hartal's 1998 exhibit in Korea, organized by the Seoul International Fine Art Center, received wide media publicity and attracted 5,000 visitors in one week. The originator of Lyco Art, in 1975 Hartal published A Manifesto on Lyrical Conceptualism, introducing a new idea of art concerned with the creative process, cultural transformation and the human condition. Lyco Art engages the entire scale of formative energies through transformative vision, a voyage of aesthetic consciousness in which passion evolves as logic and logic becomes passion. It expands the boundaries of aesthetics and identifies the meaning of art with its life serving purpose. In 1987 Hartal formed the Centre for Art, Science and Technology. In Mazes for the Mind, Clifford Pickover says, “The Centre facilitates the exchange of ideas between the various domains of human knowledge”. Hartal’s critically acclaimed books include The Brush and the Compass (art and science), Love Poems, Painted Melodies (painting and music), The Kidnapping of the Painter Miro (novel), A History of Architecture, and Postmodern Light (poetry). The paintings presented here explore connections between art, music, poetry, science and mathematics. They probe the riddle of mind and matter, delve into the enigmatic world of dreams, and celebrate the mystery of creation and the miracle of existence.